Department of Philosophy University of Amsterdam Oude Turfmarkt 141 Room: 0.03 1012 GC Amsterdam (NL) +31 (0)20 525 4543 Institute of Logic, Language and Computation The Network Institute |
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ERC Starting & Proof of Concept grantee, NWO VENI/VICI grantee & director of the projects: Tarski's Revolution (2008-13), GlamMap (2013-14), @PhilosTEI (2013-14), eIdeas (2017-2021); WP leader of Golden Agents (2017-2021), co-director of CatVis (2014-2019), and Small data, Big Challenges (2019-2020) Member of CNR Scientific Council | DARIAH-EU Scientific Board | AcademiaNet, The Expert Database of Outstanding Female Scientists and Scholars in Europe Former Member of The Global Young Academy | De Jonge Akademie of The Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of the Netherlands (KNAW) (2010-2015), Board Member (2011-2013)| Steering Committee of European Commission's Voice of the Researchers (2012-2013) under commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn Note for Journal Editors I believe in Open Access to scientific information. As UNESCO states, open access is beneficial to "global knowledge flow, innovation and socio-economic development". If your journal is open access, I will be delighted to act as a referee for you. GlamMap | @PhilosTEI | Teaching | Media | Publications | Invited Talks | Former Colleagues | Colleagues | CV |Working on |Calendar| Schedule My interests are mainly in philosophical methodology, especially the methodology of metaphysics, semantics & philosophy of language (Against Facts, MIT Press, 2015; "The Naming of Facts" 2014), and the methodology of the history of philosophical ideas. I am developing an interest in the methodology of linguistics, partly due to interaction with (computational) linguists during my 2014 visiting professorship in Göteborg. Next to investigating systematic and historical aspects of ideas such as axiom, consequence ("Semantics and Axiomatics from Bolzano to Tarski, 2016"), fact (Against Facts), and truth (Making True), I am now endeavouring to trace the development of these ideas with computational techniques ("Creating a Computational History of Ideas", with Hein van den Berg, 2016). I keep working on the history of logic in Poland and its Austrian roots (Kazimierz Twardowski - Logik: Wiener Logikkolleg with Venanzio Raspa, de Gruyter 2016; Brentano and Brentanism in the Lvov-Warsaw School", 2016), but one of my recent invited talks was a keynote at EKAW2014, a computer science conference in knowledge engineering, during which I proposed a methodology to trace concepts through time computationally. This work builds upon work in the methodology of the history of ideas based on complex relational interpretive frameworks (models) (On Haslanger’s Focal Analysis of Race and Gender in Resisting Reality as an Interpretive Model, 2014; "Modelling the History of Ideas", 2014) partly developed during my ERC Starting Grant ‘Tarski’s Revolution’ (2008-2013). I (co)co-ordinate interdisciplinary & valorisation grants on text-mining, historical OCR and visualisation of metadata on books in logic on beautiful geographical maps (way more beautiful to look at than pins on Google maps). See this poster for all these projects at once. A former member of the Young Academy of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of the Netherlands, and a current member of the Global Young Academy, I am active in research policy topics such as grant mechanisms, open access and sustainability of research. I have been doing research at the universities of Krakow, Salzburg, Graz, Leiden, Warsaw, Lund, Gothenburg, and Melbourne, held research grants among others from the Italian CNR, the Dutch NWO and CLARIN-NL, and the European Research Council. For more on my current research, see Working On (to be updated). |